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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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Commnet events
EFARO - European Maritime Day
EFARO - European Maritime Day

18 - 19 May 2016 | Turku, Finland - Investing in competitive blue growth - smart and sustainable solutions

Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals
Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals

7 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium | Presentations of strategies for exploitation plans, consortium building and funding opportunities and exchange with other researchers

GRAIL – “Glycerol Biorefinery approach for the production of high quality products of industrial value”
GRAIL – “Glycerol Biorefinery approach for the production of high quality products of industrial value”

9 March 2016 | Open Day at ENEA’s facilities, Rue de Namur 72, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgiu

Bioeconomy Impact 2016
Bioeconomy Impact 2016

10-11 Febraury 2016, Dublin, Ireland | The first in a series of annual events which will challenge bioeconomy researchers to critically think about the value, impact and relevance of their research.

Final PERFORMANCE Conference
Final PERFORMANCE Conference

16 October 2015, Brussels, Belgium | Presentation Of First 3D Printed Meal

Making more of Bioeconomy R&D Results
Making more of Bioeconomy R&D Results

6-7 October 2015, Brussels, Belgium | The first thematic FP7 Results Presentation Event by ProBIO Making more of Bioeconomy R&D Results

CommNet for Education: PROteINSECT - Thirteenth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: PROteINSECT - Thirteenth eSeminar

Wednesday 17 December 2014, 14:00 CET/13:00UK - Learn more about animals nutrition, with the PROteINSECT’s research eSeminar

CommNet for Education: SIMWOOD - Eleventh eSeminar
CommNet for Education: SIMWOOD - Eleventh eSeminar

Tuesday 9 December 2014, 15:00CET/14:00UK –  Learn about the challenges facing European forests: how do we deal with increasing demands for wood?

Open Access Publishing and EC funded Research - Sixteenth webinar
Open Access Publishing and EC funded Research - Sixteenth webinar

Thursday 27th November 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Publication of research results is changing and H2020 expects a new approach.

CommNet for Education: SYNPEPTIDE - Tenth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: SYNPEPTIDE - Tenth eSeminar

Monday 17 November 2014, 13:00CET/12:00UK - The problem of antibiotic resistance is a growing threat to public health all over the world. 

CommNet for Education: ASFORCE - Twelfth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: ASFORCE - Twelfth eSeminar

Wednesday 10 December 2014, 14:00CET/13:00UK - Learn about African Swine Fever, a highly contagious disease of pigs, currently spreading in Europe.

Building the Bioeconomy – Creating Impact through Communication
Building the Bioeconomy – Creating Impact through Communication

2 - 3 December 2014 | Crowne Plaza Hotel Brussels, Belgium - CommNet's 3rd Bioeconomy Forum & Final Conference – Dialogues, Debates, Awards

Risk Communication & Research Projects - Fifteenth webinar
Risk Communication & Research Projects - Fifteenth webinar

Tuesday 4 November 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Learn ways in which to ensure that your results are communicated correctly.

“Message Mapping” What is it? How can it help dissemination? - Fourteenth webinar
“Message Mapping” What is it? How can it help dissemination? - Fourteenth webinar

Tuesday 14 October 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Getting your message across to the correct people, this process can help you.

CommNet for Education: BIOPROM - Ninth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: BIOPROM - Ninth eSeminar

Wednesday 8 October 13:30CET/12:30UK - Bioeconomy & BIOPROM – the dark horse in the race to save the world?

CommNet for Education: I.Family – Eighth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: I.Family – Eighth eSeminar

Thursday 2 October 2014 13:00CET/12:00UK - The number of overweight people continues to rise and many of us continue to make unhealthy choices in the way we live our lives.

Journalists: How to deal with them! - Thirteenth webinar
Journalists: How to deal with them! - Thirteenth webinar

Tuesday 16 September 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Looking for hints and tips to work effectively with journalists?  

CommNet Business Dialogues & Policy Round Table

Thursday 12 June 2014, 8:30 – 17:30 | Science14 Atrium, Rue de la Science 14, Brussels, metro: Art & Loi - Experts will assess the market potential of CommNet Bioeconomy Projects

Dissemination: Outputs v outcomes - measuring success - Twelfth webinar
Dissemination: Outputs v outcomes - measuring success - Twelfth webinar

Tuesday 17 June 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | What does “success” look like for your project? Join us to find out!

CommNet for Education: The potato case – Seventh eSeminar
CommNet for Education: The potato case – Seventh eSeminar

Tuesday 13 May 2014, 13:30CET/12:30UK | Learn about opportunities and challenges when using genetically modified crops for sustainable agriculture

CommNet @ ESOF 2014, Euroscience Open Forum
CommNet @ ESOF 2014, Euroscience Open Forum

21 - 26 June 2014 | Copenhagen, Denmark – Visit the CommNet Stand (No.37), network with colleagues, attend our drop-in sessions or Citizen Engagement Master classes. See you there!

CommNet @ ESOF: Citizen Engagement – why, how and when?
CommNet @ ESOF: Citizen Engagement – why, how and when?

Tuesday 24 June 2014, Copenhagen Denmark | Join CommNet Master Classes to discover how science can engage with European citizens

Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training
Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training

10 - 12 September 2014 | Vienna, Austria - Face-to-face CommNet Communications course 

Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training
Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training

29 - 31 October 2014 | Tallinn, Estonia - Face-to-face CommNet Communications course 

CommNet Impact Awards - Rewarding excellence in research communication and knowledge transfer
CommNet Impact Awards - Rewarding excellence in research communication and knowledge transfer

3 December 2014 | Brussels, BE - Are you proud of your efforts to engage with your stakeholders? Could your dissemination activities be an example of good practice for other research groups? Enter the CommNet Impact Awards and showcase your communication work to a European audience!

What's your project's story? How to tell it! - Tenth webinar
What's your project's story? How to tell it! - Tenth webinar

Tuesday 8 April 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Join the webinar to hear about the fundamentals of story-telling and share examples

Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training
Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training

31 March - 02 April 2014 | Aberdeen, UK - Face-to-face CommNet Communications course announced!

CommNet for Education: PROMISE – in action - fifth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: PROMISE – in action - fifth eSeminar

Wednesday 2 April 2014, 13:30CET/12:30 UK | PROMISE has a clear focus on food safety and the reduction of microbiological risks.

CommNet workshop at SIAL "CommNet round table for food industry"
CommNet workshop at SIAL "CommNet round table for food industry"

19 - 23 October 2014 | Paris Nord Villepinte, France - The world's largest food innovation marketplace

Welcome to CommNet - Ninth webinar
Welcome to CommNet - Ninth webinar

Tuesday 11 March 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Research projects' communication: CommNet is here to help!

CommNet for Education: Parasite – detection and protection of fishery products – Fourth eSeminar
CommNet for Education: Parasite – detection and protection of fishery products – Fourth eSeminar

Wednesday 26 March 2014, 13:30CET/12:30 UK | Parasite project aims to detect, monitor and mitigate the impact of parasites in fishery products.

Effective communications on a small budget - Eleventh webinar
Effective communications on a small budget - Eleventh webinar

Tuesday 6 May 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Learn how to deliver smart research communications activities with relatively low budgets

CommNet for Education: Veg-i-Trade in action - Third eSeminar
CommNet for Education: Veg-i-Trade in action - Third eSeminar

Thursday 13 February 2014, 13:00CET/12:00UK - Learn how Veg-i-Trade improves the control of food safety risks of fresh vegetables and fruits.

CommNet for Education: On the farm with smart pig technology – Second eSeminar
CommNet for Education: On the farm with smart pig technology – Second eSeminar

Wednesday 8 January 2014, 13:00CET/12:00 UK - Learn how technology can improve living conditions for pigs and their farmers through better feed, better life and better meat. 

Communications between Industry & Bioeconomy Research - Eighth webinar
Communications between Industry & Bioeconomy Research - Eighth webinar

Tuesday 22 October 2013, 12:30CET/11:30UK - How to establish & how to shape: CommNet is here to help!

CommNet for Education: an introduction to the FAB Toolkit - First eSeminar
CommNet for Education: an introduction to the FAB Toolkit - First eSeminar

Thursday 14 November 2013, 17:00CET/16:00UK - An introduction to the FAB Toolkit, a range of resources to support the teaching and learning around food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology

Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training
Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy – Free Training

1 - 3 October 2013 | Brussels, Belgium - Join us for our next free CommNet Communications Course covering strategic communications planning as well as practical techniques. 

2nd Bioeconomy Forum

30 Sep - 1 Oct 2013 | Brussels, Belgium
Science, Industry and Communication

How to deliver a successful webinar - Seventh webinar
How to deliver a successful webinar - Seventh webinar

Tuesday 24 September, 12:30CET/11:30UK - Webinars are a powerful instrument for dissemination and engagement - find out how your project can benefit

CommNet for the Bioeconomy - Sixth webinar
CommNet for the Bioeconomy - Sixth webinar

Tuesday 17 September, 12:30CET/11:30UK - CommNet for the Bioeconomy: discover the free services available to you and your project

Writing press releases for research communications - Fifth webinar
Writing press releases for research communications - Fifth webinar

Wednesday 10 July, 11:30UK/12:30CET - Press Information for the Bioeconomy

Science Outreach Events - Fourth webinar
Science Outreach Events - Fourth webinar

Tuesday 11 June 2013, 11:30UK/12:30CET - Outreach Meetings & Events for Research Communications

Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy - Training
Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy - Training

19-21 June 2013 – Rome, Italynext CommNet Communications Course. 

Completed events
EFARO - European Maritime Day
EFARO - European Maritime Day

18 - 19 May 2016 | Turku, Finland - Investing in competitive blue growth - smart and sustainable solutions

International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste
International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste

17 - 18 November 2014 | Venice, Italy - Advances made in the application of technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste

Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe
Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe

12 May 2014 | Cefic headquarters, Brussels, Belgium - Workshop on a data-collection framework for the bio-based industry and industrial biotechnology in Europe

Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals
Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals

7 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium | Presentations of strategies for exploitation plans, consortium building and funding opportunities and exchange with other researchers

GRAIL – “Glycerol Biorefinery approach for the production of high quality products of industrial value”
GRAIL – “Glycerol Biorefinery approach for the production of high quality products of industrial value”

9 March 2016 | Open Day at ENEA’s facilities, Rue de Namur 72, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgiu

Other events
International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste
International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste

17 - 18 November 2014 | Venice, Italy - Advances made in the application of technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste

Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe
Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe

12 May 2014 | Cefic headquarters, Brussels, Belgium - Workshop on a data-collection framework for the bio-based industry and industrial biotechnology in Europe

9th European Bioplastic Conference
9th European Bioplastic Conference

2 - 3 December 2014 | Brussels, Belgium - Circular Economy, Waste and Biopolymers

Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased surfactants in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP
Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased surfactants in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP

3 September 2014 | Berlin, Germany - Are barriers hampering the development of biobased surfactants holding the market value back?

Hurdles and solutions for the use of CO2 as a feedstock for industrial biotechnology (IB) in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP
Hurdles and solutions for the use of CO2 as a feedstock for industrial biotechnology (IB) in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP

24 September 2014 | Lyon, France - What developments are required to realise the full market potential of CO2 as a feedstock?

Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased chemical building blocks in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP
Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased chemical building blocks in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP

1 October 2014 | Reims, France - As fossil-fuel price and availability is ever more uncertain, chemicals producers are pushed towards alternative solutions to ensure a continued product supply.

Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased plastics in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP
Hurdles and solutions for the uptake of biobased plastics in Europe - BIO-TIC WORKSHOP

1 December 2014 | Brussels, Belgium - Biobased plastics still need to achieve cost-competitiveness in terms of production processes and improve material properties

EurOCEAN 2014
EurOCEAN 2014

7 - 9 October 2014 | Rome, IT - Major European marine science policy conferences

"Insects to feed the world" conference
"Insects to feed the world" conference

14 - 17 May 2014 | Wageningen, The NetherlandsState of the art in research, entrepreneurship, gastronomy and policy discussion about insects as a future food and animal feed source

Health & Food Days
Health & Food Days

18 - 19 June 2014, La Rochelle, France | The international gathering for Health & Food professionals

Best practice guidelines for EFSA health claims dossiers

27 June 2014 - Brussels, Belgium | Best practice guidelines for EFSA health claims dossiers

Innovation alimentaire et durabilité en France
Innovation alimentaire et durabilité en France

14 May 2014, 9:00 - 17:00 | AgroParisTech, Paris, France - Quelles tendance et solutions?

EFIB 2014:  European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology
EFIB 2014: European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology

30 September - 2 October 2014 | Reims, France - Global scale-up of the Bioeconomy

Biopolymers Symposium 2014
Biopolymers Symposium 2014

12 - 13 May 2014 | Philadelphia, PA USA - Connecting end users with the latest applications and the most innovative technologies

ESOF 2014, Euroscience Open Forum
ESOF 2014, Euroscience Open Forum

21 - 26 June 2014 | Copenhagen, Denmark - Europe’s largest, general science meeting, held in a leading Europe city every two years

Innovation Convention 2014
Innovation Convention 2014

10 - 11 March 2014 | Brussels, Belgium - Europe's premier innovation event

The Power of Programming 2014
The Power of Programming 2014

13 - 15 March 2014 | Munich, Germany - International Conference on Developmental Origins of Adiposity and Long-Term Health

Environmental Management & Crop Protection
Environmental Management & Crop Protection

25 - 26 February 2014 | Dundee, United Kingdom - Conference on environmental management, crop protection and associated topics in northern environments.

Bioeconomy Observatory – First Stakeholders Round Table
Bioeconomy Observatory – First Stakeholders Round Table

26 November 2013 | Brussels, Belgium - Organized by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC)

1st International Pleasure Conference
1st International Pleasure Conference

18 - 19 June 2014 | La Rochelle, France - Salt-Sugar-Lipids reduction

EU BC&E 2014
EU BC&E 2014

23-26 June 2014 | Hamburg Germany - 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

Engineering the foodfactory of the future
Engineering the foodfactory of the future

31 October 2013 | Wageningen, The Netherlands - Technical workshop about the benefits of automation for the food industry

Bioinnovation & ScanBalt Forum 2013
Bioinnovation & ScanBalt Forum 2013

16-18 October 2013 | Gdańsk, Poland - An event that gathers technology transfer experts from all around the world

Eurobiotech 2013
Eurobiotech 2013

8-11 October 2013 | Krakow, Poland - 5th Central European congress of life sciences. Leading area: white and green biotechnology

European Open-Space-Conference Food and Health - Research 2020
European Open-Space-Conference Food and Health - Research 2020

15 November 2013 | Brussels, Belgium - How can we shape the future of research in food and health?

EFIB 2013 - European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology
EFIB 2013 - European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology

30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013 | Brussels, Belgium - The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy (EFIB) organisers Europabio and Smithers Rapra have responded to the success of 2012's event by announcing plans to deliver the biggest and most ambitious congress in the sector to date.

International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics – IPC2014
International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics – IPC2014

24 - 26 June 2014 | Budapest, Hungary
IPC2014 aims to highlight evidence-based benefits as proven in clinical trials and scientific experiments.

Young Scientists’ Forum Competition
Young Scientists’ Forum Competition

13th Sept 2013, Sala Machuca y Albeniz - Granada Conference and Exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain. 


19 - 20 June 2013 - Lille, France.
NutrEvent is the main European event entirely dedicated to Innovation and Research in the field of Nutrition & Health.

05. Events
Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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