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Young Scientists’ Forum Competition

Young Scientists’ Forum Competition

13th Sept 2013, Sala Machuca y Albeniz - Granada Conference and Exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain. 

13th Sept 2013, Sala Machuca y Albeniz - Granada Conference and Exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain. 

The NUTRIMENTHE project is pleased to welcome abstracts from Young Scientists to compete in the Young Scientists’ Forum Lecture Competition, being run during the NUTRIMENTHE International Conference. The aim of the Forum is to give young scientists the opportunity to showcase their work to their peers and an internationally renowned audience of researchers.
Cash prizes will be awarded for the best presentations, abstract submission deadline for the Competition: 12th July 2013
  • Participants must not hold a senior faculty position on the date of the Competition. 
  • The work presented must be original and previously unpublished or presented at any meetings prior to the Competition 
  • Abstracts no longer than 300 words, in English, covering one or more subjects listed above must be submitted to the organisers using the on-line system of the Competition web page. 
  • Contacts: and
Submit your abstract online via the NUTRIMENTHE International Conference website.


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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