14 May 2014, 9:00 - 17:00 | AgroParisTech, Paris, France - Quelles tendance et solutions?
14 May 2014, 9:00 - 17:00 | AgroParisTech, Paris, France - Quelles tendance et solutions?
IDEFI-ECOTROPHELIA organises its annual seminar: find below the programme.
9,00 - Welcome
9,30 - 10,15 - Summary of the first results of the IDEFI-ECOTROPHELIA project and presentation of currnt actions
10,15 - 12,00 - Intervention of Laurent Cosnefroy, Professor in Education Science at the Istitut Français de L'education/Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon.
12,00 - 13,30 - Lunch
13,30 - 17,00 - Alimentar innovaiton and durability in France
17,00 - Conclusion
For more information, please check the project's website: http://public.ecotrophelia.org/, or get in contact with the organizers: gaelle.petit@agroparistech.fr anais.le-moign@oniris-nantes.fr dladeveze@vaucluse.cci.fr