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Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe

Assessing the Impact of the Bioeconomy in Europe

12 May 2014 | Cefic headquarters, Brussels, Belgium - Workshop on a data-collection framework for the bio-based industry and industrial biotechnology in Europe

The EU-funded BIO-TIC project aims to develop a roadmap and action plan for industrial biotechnology in the EU. As part of this project, we are developing a common framework and methodology to measure the impact of the developing bioeconomy. This includes socio-economic and environmental impacts and the availability and use of biomass for bio-based products in the European Union.

The tool will feed into the development of the EU Bioeconomy Observatory, which aims to monitor the development of the bioeconomy and support and guide the implementation of the European Bioeconomy Strategy.

If you are an expert in the bioeconomy, standardisation, auditing, social sustainability, biomass certification, auditing or represent a biomass observatory, inventory and database provider, we would like to have your thoughts and opinions on the bioeconomy data collection framework we are developing so that a systematic method for monitoring the market uptake of bio-based products in the EU is developed. 

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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