Welcome to “The Power of Programming 2014 - Developmental Origins of Adiposity and Long-term Health”! The conference is to take place from March 13-15, 2014 in Munich, at the Grosshadern Campus of the University Hospital.
International experts from clinical science, basic research and epidemiological studies will be brought together with a joint focus on long term consequences of early nutrition and lifestyle factors on obesity and related disorders. Partners of the EU funded project EarlyNutrition look forward to share their research approaches and interim results with colleagues from all over the world.
The conference program features presentations from outstanding leaders in the fields of: nutrition, epidemiology, epigenetics, metabolomics and more. The conference will be enriched by a variety of session formats – plenary sessions, parallel sessions, poster sessions as well as workshops and breakfast symposia.
Registration can be carried out online on the conference website by no later than 5 March 2014.