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EFIB 2013 - European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology

EFIB 2013 - European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology

30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013, Brussels - The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy (EFIB) organisers Europabio and Smithers Rapra have responded to the success of 2012's event by announcing plans to deliver the biggest and most ambitious congress in the sector to date.

30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013 | Brussels, Belgium - The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy (EFIB) organisers Europabio and Smithers Rapra have responded to the success of 2012's event by announcing plans to deliver the biggest and most ambitious congress in the sector to date.

EFIB is evolving. EFIB transforms to become the premier marketplace for the European bioeconomy

EFIB will return to Brussels and be held in the prestigious SQUARE venue from 30 September to 2 October 2013, marking the transformation from a large conference to a full scale congress. The event brings together over 1,000 bioeconomy professionals to learn, debate and meet in order to identify, decide and share the future of this flourishing sector.

Set to expand its growing reputation as the place where business and policy makers meet with an exciting new format, EFIB features include:

  • High level plenary including senior ministers and commissioners along with CEO's from global biotechnology leaders
  • Dedicated roundtable discussions on new policy frameworks
  • An exhibition hall presenting over 50 stands
  • Technology Showcase feature running throughout the 2 days
  • CEO Question time on the Exhibition Floor

Combining the highlights from previous EFIB events, plus a much bigger exhibition and a whole host of new features in 2013, this is guaranteed to be the most talked about event in Industrial Biotechnology this year.

Check out all the changes at

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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