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CommNet for Education: ASFORCE - Twelfth eSeminar

CommNet for Education: ASFORCE - Twelfth eSeminar

Wednesday 10 December 2014, 14:00CET/13:00UK - Learn about African Swine Fever, a highly contagious disease of pigs, currently spreading in Europe.

Wednesday 10 December 2014, 14:00CET/13:00UK - Learn about African Swine Fever, a highly contagious disease of pigs, currently spreading in Europe.

Does it have consequences for humans? Is there a treatment? Is there a vaccine? What can we do to control it? And what is the ASFORCE project about?

Learn this and more in this webinar!

The eSeminar is for young people and adults – children and young viewers may find some contents and images featured disturbing


Watch the eSeminar recording

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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