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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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Effective communications on a small budget - Eleventh webinar

Effective communications on a small budget - Eleventh webinar

Tuesday 6 May 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Learn how to deliver smart research communications activities with relatively low budgets

Tuesday 6 May 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Learn how to deliver smart research communications activities with relatively low budgets

Modern communications tools such as websites, social media, e-zines and blogs provide increased 'reach' at low investment but do these tools deliver the engagement required to ensure communications are effective? With relatively low budgets, research communications activities have to be smart and deliver tangible results that can be measured. 

Join CommNet's webinar to hear hints and tips and tangible ideas about how you can make your communications budgets go further and deliver success for your project. 

The webinar will last 45 minutes and be led by CommNet partners. 


The webinar has ended: thanks to all the articipants to the live session. If you want to watch a recording of the webinar, please access the link below. This service is restricted to CommNet members: in case you aren't registered, please do so: it's free!

Go to webinar recording

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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