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Health & Food Days

Health & Food Days

18 - 19 June 2014, La Rochelle, France | The international gathering for Health & Food professionals

Created in 1995 by La Rochelle's Agri-food CRITT (innovation and technology transfer centre), Health & Food Days have since met with international success.

The event (in French called "JAS"– Journées Aliments & Santé) has become a benchmark for those in the food and agriculture industry, and is the most important European business convention in its field. More than 800 participants attended the 9th edition.

Health & Food Days are based on seven activities:

  1. Business Meetings
  2. The Exhibition Unit
  3. The Product Trends and Innovations Area
  4. Round Tables – Conferences
  5. Health & Food Days Workshops
  6. The Decision-makers’ Corner
  7. News 2014: Health & Food Days Web TV

Know more about the event on

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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