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CommNet Impact Awards - Rewarding excellence in research communication and knowledge transfer

CommNet Impact Awards - Rewarding excellence in research communication and knowledge transfer

3 December 2014 | Brussels, BE - Are you proud of your efforts to engage with your stakeholders? Could your dissemination activities be an example of good practice for other research groups? Enter the CommNet Impact Awards and showcase your communication work to a European audience!

CommNet is awarding projects who have demonstrated excellence in the communication of EU-funded research aimed at building the knowledge-based bio-economy, in the fields of food, agriculture and forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, and biotechnology.

Awards are available for knowledge transfer to each of the four stakeholder categories

  • Engaging citizens
  • Engaging industry
  • Engaging policy makers
  • Inspiring young people

The awards are open to all CommNet members. Any FP7 KBBE project can join the CommNet network. If you are not a member, you can register your project here.

The awards will be officially launched at ESOF 2014 in Copenhagen in June. Shortlisted entries will be invited to deliver an oral or poster presentation at the CommNet conference and to the awards reception in Brussels on 3rd December 2014.


Who can enter?

Researchers or Work Package Partners can submit their project by completing an application form. Up to four entries can be made per project (one within each category).



  • 21 June - Opening sate for entries
  • 19 September - Closing date for entries → Submissions extended to 25 September!
  • 27 October - Shortlisted projects announced
  • 3 December - CommNet conference with project poster and oral presentations
  • 3 December - Awards ceremony and reception with winners announced


How to enter?

Sign in to CommNet. If you are not a member already, you can register your project here

Identify the stakeholder group you have targeted with your communication methods

Complete the online application form

Upload any supporting materials - up to 5 files are acceptable (e.g. activity sheets, video, pictures)

All application forms must be submitted in English. However, supporting materials in other official EU languages will be accepted, e.g. a video or educational leaflet.

Application form

Entries may feature in publicity around the CommNet Impact Awards, potentially including press releases and European and global news outlets. Entries may also feature in CommNet’s Portfolio of Case Studies. Submission of an application form will be taken as agreement of the above conditions.  
If you have any technical problems regarding your entry, please email


How to win

Successful entries will demonstrate that their project:

  • Has a clear aim and objectives for dissemination
  • Has a clear dissemination strategy and timeline
  • Uses relevant and appropriate communication methods to effectively reach the target stakeholder group, which may include creative and innovative methods
  • Has methods in place to measure the effectiveness of communication efforts
  • Shows demonstrable impact upon the target stakeholder group (either currently or planned)

Cedit will be given to projects that have used:

  • Collaboration and partnership working to improve the reach of activities
  • Visual or interactive techniques to engage stakeholders.


Relevant examples are given below for each category (however, entries are not restricted to these types of examples). 

Engaging Citizens

A campaign to disseminate results or raise issues/start a meaningful conversation via the consumer press and/or social media channels, with clear objectives and measureable outcomes in place.

Engaging Industry

An engagement event such as a round table meeting to discuss /present project developments with SMEs, with clear objectives and measureable outcomes in place.

Engaging Policy-makers

Creating and making available to European and/or national specialist or advisory committees validated research information in appropriate formats and at the appropriate time within a strategic plan.

Inspiring Young People

Online seminars and Q&As with young people as part of the science and technology curriculum, including measurement of uptake and evaluation data from participants.

Shortlisted projects will be invited to present a poster or oral presentation at the CommNet conference in Brussels on 3rd December 2014, and to the CommNet Impact Awards Reception on that evening (when winners will be announced).

Shortlisted and winning entries will have their project featured in CommNet media outlets, achieving further visibility for your project. 

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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