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“Message Mapping” What is it? How can it help dissemination? - Fourteenth webinar

“Message Mapping” What is it? How can it help dissemination? - Fourteenth webinar

Tuesday 14 October 2014, 12:30CET/11:30UK | Getting your message across to the correct people, this process can help you.

Are you clear about the messages you wish to disseminate about your research project?  Do you know which stakeholders you need to speak to?  Do you know how and when to reach them?

Using Message Mapping creates clear thinking and clear results!

Join our webinar to learn how to implement the Message Mapping process.

The webinar will last 45 minutes and be led by CommNet partners and it is restricted to CommNet members: please register free onto the website to join the webinar or simply login with your credentials.


The webinar has ended: thanks to all the participants to the live session! For all of you who could not attend the webinar, you can find the recording at this link (members only).

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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