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Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals

Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals

7 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium | Presentations of strategies for exploitation plans, consortium building and funding opportunities and exchange with other researchers

Be part of this conference and learn how to make the most of your bioeconomy R&I results. The conference will give you insights on how to improve the exploitation aspects of a research project proposal to fully exploit all the opportunities brought by your project’s results. Funding opportunities and consortium building will be also addressed.

Why participate?  To have the opportunity to practice setting up a proposal with other researchers in a neutral setting. Improve a fictive proposal idea together with other researchers. This will allow you to practice implementing an exploitation strategy and putting together the consortium for the creation of competitive proposals.

The event will also offer the opportunity to interact and find new contacts with researchers in the area of bioeconomy.

Register to the event or download the agenda.

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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