The 2nd Bioeconomy Forum will elaborate on the communication issues of the bioeconomy. High-level experts will give keynote speaks on “hot-topics” such as food security, maritime littering and genetic plant breeding to encounter climate change. A panel discussion on bioeconomy topics and their communication will include consumer groups and politicians. In workshops, EU research projects from the bioeconomy field will showcase success stories of communication and technology transfer.
The event is organized by CommNet, the research communication network on the Bioeconomy.
The Bioeconomy Forum is of free entrance; it is co-organized as side event of the EFIB - The European Forum of Industrial Biotechnoloy, addressing more than 10.000 professionals in the sector. The 2nd Bioeconomy Forum is held in the Brussels – centre top-location, The Square, Place Coudenbergh, next to the Central Station and the Bus Stop “Royale” resp.“Bozar”.
Register to the event
Make the more out of your visit to Brussells: join the CommNet free training about "Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects across the Bioeconomy", 1 - 3 October 2013. Read more info.