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CommNet for Education: an introduction to the FAB Toolkit - First eSeminar

CommNet for Education: an introduction to the FAB Toolkit - First eSeminar

Thursday 14 November 2013, 17:00CET/16:00UK - An introduction to the FAB Toolkit, a range of resources to support the teaching and learning around food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology

School teachers and CommNet members are invited to join the first CommNet education eSeminar to learn about the exciting new FAB Toolkit. It comprises a range of resources to support the teaching and learning around food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology (FAB). Information will also be provided about the FAB Awards, as well as future planned resources and free presentations.

CommNet members can discover how they can be involved in the development of this comprehensive resource for students aged 5-16 years of age. In addition, they can look at the types of resources that they may wish to co-create with CommNet, e.g. case studies of their projects.

The eSeminar is open to everyone, but will be of particular interest to school teachers, as well as CommNet members wishing to communicate to schools.

The eSeminar has ended: thanks to all the participants. You can access the recording of the eSeminar through the link below.

eSeminar recording

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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