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On 7 June 2016 the ProBIO clustering event “Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals” took place

On 7 June 2016 the ProBIO clustering event “Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals” took place

22 June 2016, Brussels - An opportunity for participants of Knowledge Base Bio-Economy (KBBE) projects to meet and share their views on exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals.

Over 60 participants have taken the opportunity to meet and discuss at “Exploitation strategies for Bioeconomy Research proposals” (Brussels, 7 June 2016), a clustering event for KBBE projects’ results owners organized by ProBIO, a H2020 project which supports and facilitates the exploitation of research projects’ outcomes. During this one day event, participants received guidance on how to produce successful research proposals with a strong exploitation strategy element.

SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Sweden is the partner in the ProBIO consortium coordinating activities relating to providing tailored support for further R&I. SP was also in charge of organizing the event. The first morning session was focused on funding opportunities available in Europe and on how NCPs can be of support in proposal writing and consortium building. Christine Bunthof from the Platform2 project introduced the platform of bioeconomy ERA-NET actions. Alexandros Theodoridis from the BioHorizon project pointed out that “There is a new spirit in Horizon 2020 where calls are mission-oriented and challenge based.” Alexandros presented "Bio National Contact Points support to improve the quality of research project proposals” and gave hints on how to put together a good consortium.

The second session in the morning was about showing participants how to strengthen their project‘s exploitation potential in the early phase of application development by considering the market and potential end users, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as well as their choice of business model. During this session ProBIO partners InvestorNet-Gate2Growth presented the routes of exploitation, business opportunity & value chain whilst Technofi, gave a speech on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the proposal development stage.

The afternoon workshop was dedicated to the “clustering” of researchers in the bioeconomy area, allowing them to meet up and discuss proposal writing in a neutral environment. Karin Östergren, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, and Monica Perez, Zabala Innovation Consulting, gave inspirational tips about application writing before the workshop sessions during the afternoon.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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