The first of the CommNet series of Webinars takes place on Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 12.30 CET (11.30 UK) until 13.15 (12.15). Everyone is welcome to join this webinar; it is easy to register and join. Simply log on to to register on the site and test your connection in preparation for the session. A technical limit to 100 participants applies. People willing to take part are advised to log-on in advance, to make sure they will be in.
The ‘Making the Most of CommNet Communication Services’ webinar will reveal in easy steps how every bioeconomy research project can make the most of CommNet membership and the complimentary services it provides.
The webinar will reveal how bioeconomy research projects can access face to face communications training events, focused webinars on popular topics such as using social media, writing press releases and event management, participate in targeted events for industry and policy-makers, propose their topic for the production of video news releases and videos and the development of education materials for young people at school.
Find out more by joining Rhonda Smith, Chair of the CommNet network, and Mario Martinoli, Co-ordinator of CommFABnet for the CommNet Webinar, on Tuesday 30 April 12:30CET/11.30UK.
Invest in these 45 minutes to ensure you and your bioeconomy research project do not miss out on these free communications services which will help make your communications budget go much further!
Further Webinar dates for CommNet members’ diaries:
21 May - Social Media; 11 June - Event Management; 10 July - Writing Press Releases.