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Allthings.Bio presents it first slideshow about bio-based products

Allthings.Bio presents it first slideshow about bio-based products

06 September 2017 - What are bio-based products? From which source materials do they derive from? Nowadays products like shoes, clothes, plastic toys, compostable plastic bags, paints and many others can be produced from renewable raw materials like wood, corn, straw, vegetable oil or sugar beets. To raise awareness of these products by the general public, the AllThings.Bio portal has published the “AllThings.Bio slideshow”, the first of a series “digital stories” on the subject.

The AllThings.Bio slideshow is a combination of texts, images, videos and links to external resources which describe the advantages that bio-based products bring compared to the traditional ones. A particular focus is put on the raw materials used.

The AllThings.Bio story telling series will continue with a new release in February 2018, about bio-based cleaning products.

The AllThings.Bio portal is managed by the Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project (BioCannDo) which develops and distributes to the general audience communication and educational materials about the bioeconomy. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop clear and scientifically sound messages about bio-based products which can be easily understood by a general audience so to increase their acceptance of bio-based materials.

Click here to view the Allthings.Bio slideshow!

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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