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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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August 2017
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?

Right now, the European Union doesn’t have enough animal feed of its own to nourish livestock, forcing it to bring in supplies from beyond the bloc’s borders. To face this unsustainable dependency, researchers are looking for alternative protein sources

(11 Aug 2017)
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?

Lentils and broccoli, algae and insects: science is investigating traditional and new diets in a bid to reduce the risks of us getting ill

(10 Aug 2017)
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines

Global warming is affecting the taste and production of wine growing regions across the world. Finding genes better suited to stress and pests can boost resilience

(25 Jul 2017)
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor

Food crises leave the poor in desperation for a long time. To calm the dreadful effects of weather and climate disasters as well as food price volatility it is better if governments forget about managing prices and instead care for the poor, experts say

(14 Oct 2016)
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments

Venture capitalists of course seek smart inventors and breakthrough products. But candidates with intellectual property and business skills are music to investors' ears

(29 Sep 2016)
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up

A German blog on innovations management estimates that between 175 and 3,000 ideas are needed to bring just one product or service to the market. Venture capitalists assume that only one out of ten investments pays, says expert Heinrich Cuypers. It seems that the benchmarks for creating a business are extremely tough. But they are not insurmountable.

(26 Sep 2016)
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought

African and European researchers are employing high-tech water management research methods to help low-tech South African smallholders improve food security. Additionally, extremely high levels of Microcystin toxicity and uranium contamination in important river systems spark calls for extra research on bioaccumulation through the human food chain

(25 Aug 2016)
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield

When it comes to getting biotechnology innovations to market, with commercial protection, it can be tough. Around three quarters of patent applications normally fail to cut it. Although biotechnology is recognised as being important for the economy and society, it can also be highly controversial – attracting public protests

(12 Apr 2017)
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments

Venture capitalists of course seek smart inventors and breakthrough products. But candidates with intellectual property and business skills are music to investors' ears

(29 Sep 2016)
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up

A German blog on innovations management estimates that between 175 and 3,000 ideas are needed to bring just one product or service to the market. Venture capitalists assume that only one out of ten investments pays, says expert Heinrich Cuypers. It seems that the benchmarks for creating a business are extremely tough. But they are not insurmountable.

(26 Sep 2016)
Preventing “oceans of plastic soup”
Preventing “oceans of plastic soup”

Research on biodegradable plastics is a leap toward prevention

(22 Mar 2016)
Video - Microbes clean up the oceansVideo - Microbes clean up the oceans
Video - Microbes clean up the oceans

Oil spills and plastic waste are polluting our oceans – destroying marine life and contaminating beaches. Now scientists are exploring how they can get microbes to degrade these substances more effectively and thus reduce the pollution in the sea.

(09 Sep 2014)
How safe is seafood?
How safe is seafood?

Seafood is the main component of European Christmas menus. But with rising concern about chemical pollution in the marine environment, is seafood safe to eat?

(20 Dec 2016)
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor

Food crises leave the poor in desperation for a long time. To calm the dreadful effects of weather and climate disasters as well as food price volatility it is better if governments forget about managing prices and instead care for the poor, experts say

(14 Oct 2016)
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments

Venture capitalists of course seek smart inventors and breakthrough products. But candidates with intellectual property and business skills are music to investors' ears

(29 Sep 2016)
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up

A German blog on innovations management estimates that between 175 and 3,000 ideas are needed to bring just one product or service to the market. Venture capitalists assume that only one out of ten investments pays, says expert Heinrich Cuypers. It seems that the benchmarks for creating a business are extremely tough. But they are not insurmountable.

(26 Sep 2016)
Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish?
Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish?

Science gives us a heads-up for choosing at the counter and helps in the struggle to save the global fish stocks

(05 Jul 2016)
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?

Right now, the European Union doesn’t have enough animal feed of its own to nourish livestock, forcing it to bring in supplies from beyond the bloc’s borders. To face this unsustainable dependency, researchers are looking for alternative protein sources

(11 Aug 2017)
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?

Lentils and broccoli, algae and insects: science is investigating traditional and new diets in a bid to reduce the risks of us getting ill

(10 Aug 2017)
How safe is seafood?
How safe is seafood?

Seafood is the main component of European Christmas menus. But with rising concern about chemical pollution in the marine environment, is seafood safe to eat?

(20 Dec 2016)
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?

Research on gut bacteria may change the way we look at anxiety, depression, and behavioural disorders

(17 Oct 2016)
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor

Food crises leave the poor in desperation for a long time. To calm the dreadful effects of weather and climate disasters as well as food price volatility it is better if governments forget about managing prices and instead care for the poor, experts say

(14 Oct 2016)
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments

Venture capitalists of course seek smart inventors and breakthrough products. But candidates with intellectual property and business skills are music to investors' ears

(29 Sep 2016)
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up

A German blog on innovations management estimates that between 175 and 3,000 ideas are needed to bring just one product or service to the market. Venture capitalists assume that only one out of ten investments pays, says expert Heinrich Cuypers. It seems that the benchmarks for creating a business are extremely tough. But they are not insurmountable.

(26 Sep 2016)
Towards genetically-improved conifers
Towards genetically-improved conifers

Genomics is going to improve our understanding of the genetic make-up of pines

(05 Nov 2014)
The joker card in the renewable energy game
The joker card in the renewable energy game

Local renewable energy sources such as woodchips offer the advantage of being sustainable and reducing dependency on energy imports. Yet, they are best used for combined heat and power production

(25 Jul 2012)
Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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