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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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What is CommNet about?

CommNet is about communicating to large audiences the results of European research on Bioeconomy.

Why become a member of CommNet?




Do you wish to gain better visibility within the business community and policy makers?
We will help you create a communication channel to facilitate interaction between your bioeconomy project and policy makers, regulators and industry.

Explore our Business services



Do you think some elements of your research are suitable for young audiences?
We will help you reach young people across Europe, through a toolkit which teachers can use to capture the interest of the youngest in the bioeconomy main topics: food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology.

Explore our Education services



Do you have interesting results you would like communicate to the general public?
We will present the results of your Bioeconomy project to the general public, through professional audio-visualspress articles and our multiple web channels.

Explore our Media services



Are you looking for a better way to communicate your bioeconomy research results?
We will provide strategic communication and media training to researchers and communicators from EU funded projects.

Explore our Training services


How access to the CommNet services?

Our services are free of charge. All you have to do is to register to our website and become a member of CommNet network. A member of the CommNet team will contact you and discuss the best approach to your communication needs.

Register now as a member


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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