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CommNet Training: improve your strategic and practical communication skills

CommNet Training: improve your strategic and practical communication skills

What is CommNet Training about?  

  • How can I develop competences and skills in strategic planning of communications?
  • How can I experience practical activity such as writing press releases, making presentations and conducting interviews?
  • How can I gain confidence in engaging in media opportunities?

CommNet offers its members free training opportunities to build strategic communication planning skills and practical techniques to deliver targeted and successful communications campaigns.


What are CommNet Training services?

  • Training courses - CommNet organise regular face-to face training courses for its members in different locations across Europe. The courses are run by professional trainers with guest experts covering, for example, industry, social media, print and broadcast journalism.
  • Webinars - Subject specific webinars on communications topics, such as running events, writing releases, and managing social media, are run and recorded for members to access at their own convenience.
  • Materials - Resource packs are made available to delegates with checklists, slides and course specific notes, together with delegates’ own interview videos and photos

Feedback from users

trainingData from delegates attending to date: 95% rated the course overall ‘excellent/very good’. 100% said the course met their expectations and 98% will definitely recommend to colleagues.

“More scientists need to do this kind of course!”
(Delegate from Rome Training)

“Really well run course. Really impressed by the course trainers – their knowledge and so approachable”
(Delegate from Dublin Training)

“The topics covered were comprehensive, well-structured and clearly explained.”
(Delegate from London Training)


How to access CommNet Training services?

  1. Just register on our website and become a Member of CommNet.
  2. During the registration process, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire: this will help us understand the CommNet services you are interested in.
  3. Once the registration process is completed, you will have access to our services. A member of the CommNet consortium will contact you to discuss the best strategy to communicate your project research results successfully!

Register now and join CommNet!

If you have any question, have a look at the FAQ section for Training services or contact us.


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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