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FAQ CommNet Media services

How much do CommNet media services cost?
All our services are free of charge. The CommNet network is funded by the European Commission as part of the KBBE Programme.
Will CommNet produce audio-visual material and a press article for every KBBE project joining the network?
We plan to produce 9 videos by the end of 2014 focussing on the projects which we think will be the most suitable to communicate to the general public.

A press article will be produced for every CommNet project.
Who will take care of the distribution of the press articles and audio-visuals produced by CommNet?
We will make sure our videos are distributed to European TV stations and made available for download from our website.

We will distribute our editorial products using both Syndicated Media (Alphagalileo,, Cordis.Wire) and our own media (CommNet website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts).
Why register as a “Member”?
As a Member you will be the main point of contact between CommNet and your research project. The membership will give you full access to our services. Registration does not bring any obligations from your side and you are free to unsubscribe whenever you want.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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