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CommNet Education: communicating food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology research to young people

CommNet Education: communicating food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology research to young people

Why choosing CommNet Education services?

  • Are you a member of a KBBE project?
  • Would you like to ensure that future generations have a better understanding of food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology?
  • Are you a school teacher looking for resources?

CommNet Education aims to inform young people about EU-funded food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology research through the development of educational resources, helping to inspire interest in the European Bioeconomy.


What are CommNet Education services?

Toolkit and resources for teachers - We are creating a toolkit which includes a series of targeted resources on topics around food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology. The toolkit links to research outcomes and includes videos, teaching materials and eSeminars for teachers. The materials are designed for young people aged 5-16 years.

CommNet FAB Education Awards - To support the work focusing on food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology, CommNet has launched a set of awards for schools. If you teach students aged 5-16 years you can nominate for the chance to win a prize for your school department or club.

Guidance for KBBE projects on developing materials for schools - A competence framework has been developed to help KBBE projects focus on different areas of learning. In addition, a guide on developing resources targeted at children and young people is also available.

CommNet Educational Videos - From the videos we produced about our project members, a group of six educational videos were produced. They try to convey the key messages of the bioeconomy to young kids. 


How to access CommNet Education services?

CommNet Education resources are available on the CommNet website, where all the resources will be free to download and will be available in several European languages.

For projects interested in communicating their research to young people:

  1. Just register on our website and become a Member of CommNet.
  2. During the registration process, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire: this will help us understand the CommNet services you are interested in.
  3. Once the registration process is complete, you will have access to our services. A member of the CommNet consortium will contact you to discuss the best strategy to communicate your project research results successfully!

For teachers wishing to use the resources:

  1. Teachers can download the resources for free here
  2. If you would like to receive updates on new CommNet Education resources and the FAB Awards for schools, just register on our website using our teacher registration form

Register now and join CommNet!

If you have any question, have a look at the FAQ section for Education services or contact us.


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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