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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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CommNet Industry: our PR Desk communicates bioeconomy research to business and gives access to industry fora

CommNet Industry: our PR Desk communicates bioeconomy research to business and gives access to industry fora

Why choosing CommNet Business services?

  • Are you member of a KBBE project?
  • Do you search closer industry or policy contacts?
  • Do you want to inform the business world about your exploitable research results?

CommNet Industry services will help you to assess your project`s innovation and technological potential, to bring your project`s business focus to publications in the CommNet Innovation Catalogue and in industry media. Moreover CommNet Industry Services will offer you the opportunity to visit and speak on bioeconomy fora.


What are CommNet Business services?

Innovation and technology assessment: Assessment of stage of development and readiness in the research and innovation cycle of the projects interested in business contacts. 

Innovation Catalogue and Business Dialogues: Project members and experienced CommNet journalists write together a business focussed two-pager on their project for the CommNet Innovation Catalogue. This is aimed to be used later in the "Business Dialogues" for the dissemination via the CommNet PR-Desk to industry associations which are interested in bioeconomy related business news.
new version of the Catalogue has been released for the year 2014: have a look at it.

Bioeconomy Forum and Speaking Opportunities: Annual CommNet event of the KBBE-Projects to showcase and exchange results with industry representatives. Information on speaking opportunites on other events is available on the CommNet newsletter.

Feedback from users

BusinessMore than 400 people attended the 1st and the 2nd Bioeconomy Forum in Brussels. 38 speaking opportunities were offered, including “business reality checks” by experts in the bioeconomy.

“Please organize more of your Business Dialogues. Most valuable”.


How to access CommNet Business services?

  1. Just register on our website and become a Member of CommNet.
  2. During the registration process, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire: this will help us understand the CommNet services you are interested in.
  3. Once the registration process is completed, you will have access to our services. A member of the CommNet consortium will contact you to discuss the best strategy to communicate your project research results successfully!

Register now and join CommNet!

If you have any question, feel free to contact us.


Want to know more about Business?

Sylvia Schreiber
Pracsis sprl

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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