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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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CommNet Media: bringing bioeconomy research to large audiences

CommNet Media: bringing bioeconomy research to large audiences

Why choosing CommNet Media services?

  • Are you a member of a KBBE project?
  • Does your project deserve better visibility at European level?
  • Would you like to reach larger audiences, but you don’t know how?

CommNet Media services help you communicate the results of your bioeconomy project through audio-visual materials, press articles and multiple web channels.


What are CommNet Media services?

  • Press articles – We produce articles about KBBE projects that are part of our network. These are written by our editorial team who regularly interview experts and project representatives on bioeconomy research.
  • Audio-visuals - Among the CommNet projects, key research topics and results are identified. These become stories to communicate to the general public, are professionally filmed, finally released to TV stations across Europe and distributed through multiple channels.
  • CommNet web services – All members of our network have access to our web platform to communicate with the whole CommNet community. For example, CommNet members can:


CommNet press articles have been viewed by over 14,000 viewers on our own media and more than 82,000 on syndicated media across Europe!


How to access CommNet Media services?

  1. Just register on our website and become a Member of CommNet.
  2. During the registration process, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire: this will help us understand the CommNet services you are interested in.
  3. Once the registration process is completed, you will have access to our services. A member of the CommNet consortium will contact you to discuss the best strategy to communicate your project research results successfully!

Register now and join CommNet!

If you have any question, have a look at the FAQ section for Media services or contact us.


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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