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FAB Education Awards


Would you like to share your science classroom or club activities with leading scientists and researchers?


FABulous activities being organised by teachers, for young people and the community, can be nominated to win a FAB Education Award.

The FAB Education Awards are a pan-European scheme aimed at pupils 5-16 years from schools around the EU to celebrate and reward such activities.


Teachers of students aged 5-16 years can nominate for an award that demonstrates how they worked with young people and engaged others in the local community with aspects of food, agriculture, fisheries and/or biotechnology.  

Who can be involved?

The award scheme is open to teachers of young people aged 5-16 years in Europe. Each school can submit up to two nominations.

The FAB Education Awards are a CommNet initiative.
CommNet is a network managed by the KBBE project CommFABnet – Communication of Food, Fisheries, Agriculture and Biotechnologies research, a network to support EU-funded research projects (grant agreement no:289699) 


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