| 3SR Sustainable Solutions for Small Ruminants |
 | ABSTRESS Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic and biotic stress Read article |
 | ALL-SMART-PIGS All Smart Pigs - Smart Farming Technologies Read article and watch video |
 | AMIGA Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems |
 | AQUAINNOVA Supporting governance and multi-stakeholder participation in aquaculture research and innovation |
 | AQUATRACE The development of tools for tracing and evaluating the genetic impact of fish from aquaculture: “AquaTrace” Read article |
 | AQUAVALENS Protecting the health of Europeans by improving methods for the detection of pathogens in drinking water and water used in food preparation Read article & Watch video |
 | ARRAINA Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture |
 | ASFORCE Targeted research effort on African swine fever |
 | BACCHUS Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on cardiovascular health in humans Read article |
 | BAMMBO Sustainable production of biologically active molecules of marine based origin Read article and eBulletin |
 | BaSeFood Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods |
 | BASELINE Selection and improving of fit-for-purpose sampling procedures for specific foods and risks |
| BERST Bioeconomy Regional Strategy Toolkit |
 | BIO CIRCLE 2 Reinforcing the international cooperation in FP7 FAFB strengthening the CIRCLE of Third Countries BIO NCPs |
 | BIO-NET A Network of National Contact Points providing cutting-edge NCP services to the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy research community |
 | BIO-TIC BIO-TIC - Gateway to industrial biotechnology Download flyer |
 | BIOCLEAN Biotechnological solutions for the degradation of synthetic polymeric materials (The Ocean of Tomorrow) Read article and watch video |
 | BIOCONSEPT Integration of Bio-Conversion and Separation Technology for the production and application of platform chemicals from 2nd generation biomass Read article |
| BIOCOP New technologies to screen multiple chemical contaminants in foods |
 | BIOPREDYN From Data to Models: New Bioinformatics Methods and Tools for Data-Driven Predictive Dynamic Modelling in Biotechnological Applications |
 | BIOPROM Promotion of the Bio-Economy through a travelling exhibition in Europe |
| BIOSURFING New-to-nature biosurfactants by metabolic engineering: production and application |
 | BIOTRACER Improved bio-traceability of unintended microorganisms and their substances in food and feed chains Read article |
| BIOWASTE4SP Conversion of bio-waste in developing countries – SICA (African ACP, Mediterranean Partner Countries) |
 | BRIGIT New tailor-made biopolymers produced from lignocellulosic sugars waste for highly demanding fire-resistant applications |
 | CATCH-C Compatibility of Agricultural Management Practices and Types of Farming in the EU to enhance Climate Change Mitigation and Soil Health |
 | CHANCE Chance - Affordable Food Products Read article |
 | CHILL-ON Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency and quality insurance of the chilled/frozen food supply chain |
 | CLAIM Supporting the role of the Common agricultural policy in LAndscape valorisation: Improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape Management to the rural economy Download the project's brochure |
 | CLYMBOL Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour Read article |
 | COFASP Cooperation in Fisheries, Acquaculture and Seafood Processing |
 | COLLAB4SAFETY Towards sustainable global food safety collaboration |
 | CREAM Coordinating research in support to application of EAF (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) and management advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas |
 | DISCONTOOLS Development of the most effective tools to control infectious diseases in animals |
 | DIVERSIFY Enhancing the European aquaculture production by removing production bottlenecks of emerging species, producing new products and accessing new markets. |
| DREAM Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well-characterised micro- and macro-structure and composition |
 | EADGENE European animal disease genomics network of excellence for animal health and food safety |
 | EADGENE_S Strengthening the implementation of durable integration of EADGENE |
 | EARLYNUTRITION Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health Read article and watch video |
 | ECOFISHMAN Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe |
 | ECSAFESEAFOOD Priority environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception Read article |
 | EFFORT Ecology from Farm to Fork Of microbial drug Resistance and Transmission |
 | ENTHALPY Saving water and energy for resource-efficient food processing |
 | ENVIGUARD Development of a biosensor technology for environmental monitoring and disease prevention in aquaculture ensuring food safety Read article and watch video |
 | ERACAPS ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences (ERA-CAPS) |
 | EU-PLF Bright Farm by Precision Livestock Farming |
| EU-US-SAFEFOOD Developing a strategic transatlantic approach to food safety |
 | EURO DISH Determinants Intake Status Health |
 | EUROFIR-NEXUS The EuroFIR Food Platform: Further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainabilitys |
 | EUROPRUNING "Development and implementation of a new, and non existent, logistic chain on biomass from pruning" |
 | EURRECA Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding Read article |
 | FAHRE Food And Health Research in Europe |
 | FECUND Optimisation of early reproductive success in dairy cattle through the definition of new traits and improved reproductive biotechnology Read article |
 | FERTIPLUS Reducing mineral fertilisers and agro-chemicals by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char |
 | FIBEBIOTICS Dietary Fibers supporting Gut and Immune Function - From polysaccharide compound to health claim Read article |
| FIBRA EU – China Partnering Initiative on fibre crops – Mandatory China |
 | FIGARO Future Internet Gateway-based Architecture of Residential Networks |
 | FMD-DISCONVAC Development, enhancement and complementation of animal-sparing, foot-and-mouth disease vaccine-based control strategies for free and endemic regions |
 | FLABEL Food Labelling to Advance Better Education for Life |
 | FOOD4ME Personalised nutrition: An integrated analysis of opportunities and challenges Read article |
 | FOODINTEGRITY Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain |
 | FOODMANUFUTURE Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry |
 | FOODRISC Food Risk Communication. Perceptions and communication of food risks/benefits across Europe: development of effective communication strategies. Read article |
 | FOODSEG Safe Food for Europe – Coordination of research activities and Dissemination of research results of EC funded research on food safety |
 | FORESTERRA Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination and integration |
 | FORMIT Forest management options for mitigation |
 | FULL4HEALTH Understanding food-gut-brain mechanisms across the lifespan in the regulation of hunger and satiety for health Read article |
 | FUNCITREE Functional Diversity: An ecological framework for sustainable and adaptable agro-forestry systems in landscapes of semi-arid and arid eco-regions |
| FUNCTIONALFOODNET Exploitation of functional food science by creating a European network of food industries Read article |
 | FUSIONS Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising waste prevention Strategies Read article |
 | GMSAFOOD Biomarkers for post market monitoring of short and long-term effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on animal and human health Read article |
 | GRASSMARGINS Enhancing biomass production from marginal lands with perennial grasses |
 | GRATITUDE Gains from Losses of Root and Tuber Crops Read article |
 | HDHL CA A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life - Coordination Action |
 | HEALTHBREAD HealthBread product innovation based on FP6 HealthGrain results and knowledge |
 | HighTech Europe European Network for integrating novel technologies for food processing |
 | I-FAMILY Determinants of eating behaviour in European children, adolescents and their parents Watch video |
 | IDEFICS Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants |
| IFAAM Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management Read article |
| IMPRO Impact matrix analysis and cost-benefi t calculations to improve management practices regarding health status in organic dairy farming |
 | INEMAD Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion |
 | InsideFood Integrated sensing and imaging devices for designing, monitoring and controlling microstructure of foods Read article |
| KBBPPS Support to standardisation for bio-based products |
 | KILL-SPILL Innovative biotechnologies for tackling oil spill disasters (The Ocean of Tomorrow) Read article and watch video |
 | KYROBIO The discovery, development and demonstration of biocatalysts for use in the industrial synthesis of chiral chemicals. |
 | LEO Low Energy Ovens |
 | LIPIDIDIET Therapeutic and preventive impact of nutritional lipids on neuronal and cognitive performance in aging, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Read article |
 | LOGISTEC Logistics for Energy Crops Biomass |
 | MAC-OILS Mapping and Comparing Oils |
 | MACUMBA Improved cultivation effi ciency of marine microorganisms |
 | MAITRE Media Actions for International Training of REsearchers |
 | MAREX Exploring Marine Resources for Bioactive Compounds: From Discovery to Sustainable Production and Industrial Applications |
 | MARINEBIOTECH Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET |
| MARLON Monitoring of Animals for Feed-related Risks in the Long Term |
 | MEDA GO TO EUROPE Enhancing the participation of Mediterraneancountries in the area of food quality and safety in the FP7 |
| METAPRO The development of tools and effective strategies for the optimisation of useful secondary METAbolite PROduction in planta |
 | MICRO B3 Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology |
 | MIRACLES Specialties from Algae |
 | NAMASTE New Advances in the integrated Management of food processing wAste in India and Europe: use of Sustainable Technologies for the Exploitation of byproducts into new foods and feeds Read article |
 | NETGROW Enhancing the innovativeness of food SME’s through the management of strategic network behaviour and network learning performance |
 | NEUROFAST The Integrated Neurobiology of Food Intake, Addiction and Stress. Read article and watch video |
 | NU-AGE New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of elderly population for an healthy ageing in Europe Read article |
 | NUTRIMENTHE “Effect of diet on the mental performance of children” Watch the video |
 | NUTRITECH Application of new technologies and methods in nutrition research – the example of phenotypic flexibility |
 | ODIN Optimized electric Drivetrain by Integration Read article |
 | OPTIBIOCAT Optimized esterase biocatalysts for cost-effective industrial production Read press release |
| OPTIMISC Optimizing Miscanthus Biomass Production - OPTIMISC |
 | ORGANICDATANETWORK Data network for better European organic market information |
 | PALM PROTECT Strategies for the eradication and containment of the invasive pests Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier and Paysandisia archon Burmeister |
 | PARASITE Parasite risk assesment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains |
 | PERFORMANCE Personalised Food using Rapid Manufacturing for the Nutririon of elderly Consumers |
| PHAGEVET-P Veterinary phage therapies as alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production |
 | PHARMASEA Innovative marine biodiscovery pipelines for novel industrial products |
 | PICKNPACK Flexible robotic systems for automated adaptive packaging of fresh and processed food products |
 | PLANTLIBRA PLANT food supplements: Levels of Intake, Benefit and Risk Assessment Read article |
 | PLEASURE Novel processing approaches for the development of food products low in fat, salt and sugar reduced Read article and watch video |
 | PREVIEW PREVention of diabetes through lifestyle Intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World Read article |
 | PRICE PRactical Implementation of Coexistence in Europe |
 | PROCOGEN Promoting a functional and comparative understanding of the Conifer Genome implementing applied aspects for more productive and adapted forests Read article |
 | PROMETHEUS Process contaminants: Mitigation and Elimination Techniques for High food quality and their Evaluation Using Sensors & Simulation |
 | PROMISE Food Safety and Quality in Europe Read article |
 | PROSABEEF Improving the safety of beef and beef products for the consumer in production and processing Read article 1 and article 2 |
 | PROSPARE Progress in Saving Proteins And Recovering Energy Read article |
| PROTECTOR Recycling and upgrading of bone meal for environmentally friendly crop protection and nutrition |
 | PROTEINSECT Enabling the exploitation of Insects as a Sustainable Source of Protein for Animal Feed and Human Nutrition Read article and Watch video |
 | PURE Pesticide Use-and-risk Reduction in European farming systems with Integrated Pest Management Read article and watch video |
| QUALIFY Quantify Life – Feed Yourself |
| QUESSA Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture Read article and watch video |
 | RAPIDIA-FIELD Rapid fiels diagnostics and screening in veterinary medicine |
 | REDNEX Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants Read article |
 | REFERTIL Improvement of comprehensive bio-waste transformation and nutrient recovery treatment processes for production of combined natural products Read article |
 | RISKSUR Providing a new generation of methodologies and tools for cost-effective risk-based animal health surveillance systems for the benefi t of livestock producers, decision makers and consumers |
 | ROOTOPOWER Empowering root-targeted strategies to minimize abiotic stress impacts on horticultural crops |
 | RTD2FARM Enhancing collaboration in research for Livestock |
 | RUMINOMICS Connecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock production Read article |
 | SALSA Knowledge based sustainable value-added food chains: innovative tools for monitoring ethical, environmental and socio-economic impacts and implementing Eu-Latin America shared strategies |
 | SATIN Satiety Innovation Read article |
 | SEABIOTECH Innovative marine biodiscovery pipelines for novel industrial products Read article |
 | SECUREFISH Improving food security by reducing post harvest losses in the fisheries sector Read article |
 | SIMWOOD Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood |
 | SMILING Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to Control Deficiencies and Improve Nutritional Status and General Health in Asia |
 | SOCIOEC Socio economic effects of management measures of the future CFP |
 | SOLIBAM Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding And Management |
 | SOPHY "Development of a SOftware tool for Prediction of ready-to-eat food product sHelf life, quality and safetY" |
 | SPLASH Biotechnology for novel biopolymers Read article and watch video |
| ST-FLOW Standardization and orthogonalization of the gene expression flow for robust engineering of NTN (new-to-nature) biological properties. |
 | STAR TREE Multipurpose trees and non-wood forest products a challenge and opportunity |
| SUMFOREST Tackling the challenges in sustainable and multifunctional forestry through enhanced research coordination for policy decisions |
 | SUNRAY Sustainable Nutrition Research for Africa in the Years to come Read article |
 | SUPURBFOOD Sustainable Urban and Periurban Food Provision |
 | SUSY Surfacing System for Ship Recovery Read article |
 | SYNPEPTIDE Synthetic Biology for the Production of Peptides |
 | SYNPOL Biotechnology for novel biopolymers Read article |
 | TDSEXPOSURE Total Diet Study Exposure Read article |
 | TERIFIQ Combining Technologies to achieve significant binary Reductions in Sodium, Fat and Sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimising their nutritional Quality Read article |
 | TIMET Linking the clock to metabolism Read article |
 | TRACKFAST Training Requirements And Careers for Knowledge-based Food Science and Technology in Europe |
 | TRADEIT Traditional food: Enterpreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer |
 | TRANSBIO BioTRANSformation of by-products from fruit and vegetable processing industry into valuable BIOproducts |
| TRANSDOTT Translation of domestication of thunnus thynnus into an innovative commercial application |
 | TREAT&USE Safe and efficient treatment and reuse of wastewater in agricultural production schemes |
 | ULYSSES Understanding and coping with food markets voLatilitY towards more Stable World and EU food SystEmS Read article |
 | VECTORS Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors |
 | VEG-I-TRADE Impact of climate change and globalisation on safety of fresh produce – governing a supply chain of uncompromised food sovereignty Read article |
 | WATBIO Development of improved perennial non-food biomass and bioproduct crops for water-stressed environments |