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The British Nutrition Foundation

The British Nutrition Foundation

The British Nutrition Foundation is a registered charity and SME and exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle. The Foundation’s work is conducted and communicated through a unique blend of nutrition science, education and media activities

The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) was established over 40 years ago and exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle. Accurate interpretation of nutrition science is at the heart of BNF. The Foundation’s work is conducted and communicated through a unique blend of nutrition science, education and media activities. BNF’s strong governance is broad based but weighted towards the academic community.
BNF aim is to be world class in the interpretation and translation of complex scientific information in order to generate and communicate clear, accurate, accessible information on nutrition, diet and lifestyle, which is relevant to the needs of diverse audiences. Through active engagement with government, schools, industry, health professionals and journalists, BNF also aims to provide advice to help shape and support policy and to facilitate improvement in the diet and physical activity patterns of the population.

Prof. Judith Buttriss
Director General


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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