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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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Minerva Ltd.

Minerva Ltd.

Minerva is a UK based micro-SME expert in developing strategic communication and dissemination plans and in delivering dissemination and media communication activity. Minerva has experience of delivery of communications and media relations with a number of EC funded projects in Food Quality and Safety as well as with many charities, government agencies, European organisations and commercial companies

Minerva has extensive experience of delivering training to senior scientists as well as PhD students and communications staff and can provide input from and contacts with working broadcast journalists from the fields of news, science and lifestyle magazine programmes. Minerva credentials include working with DG Research, BBC (Radio & TV), BBC World, ITV, EuroNews, Reuters Health, US radio networks. Minerva is also an expert in crisis communication as well as having experience in new media and social marketing. Additionally, MINERVA is experienced working on design, dissemination and communications as partner and sub-contractor with EC funded projects in the fields of food, nutrition, agribusiness and biotechnology.

Rhonda Smith


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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