Once a year, CommNet organizes the Bioeconomy Forum, with high level speakers and panellists discussing the “hot topics” in the bioeconomy domain.
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The FAB Toolkit - educational material on Bioeconomy topics, for children aged 5-16 years - has been published on our website in English and will soon be available in 5 other languages.
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From early 2012 until now, CommNet has produced over 30 news articles, focussed on the projects part of the CommNet network.
- Our articles have been viewed by over 14,000 viewers on our own media (CommNet website, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts) and more than 82,000 people on syndicated media (Alphagalileo, and Cordis.Wire)
- The first 2 CommNet audio-visuals have been produced and distributed through our website and main European distribution gateways (EBU)
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CommNet has organised seven face-to-face training events covering strategic thinking, planning & development, elevator pitch & presentations and broadcast interviews. All our trainings have been held in locations around Europe.
- So far, about 130 people have participated in CommNet training events.
- We have also organised thirteen 45 minutes webinars on topics selected by CommNet projects representatives.
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