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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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3rd Bioeconomy Forum - Final Conference

On 2-3 December 2014 took place “Creating Impact through Communication” - CommNet’s 3rd Bioeconomy Forum and Final Conference – Dialogues, Debates, Awards.

Over 170 people attended to the series of events across the 2 days. CommNet’s two days event started with the Business and Policy Dialogues, followed by the 3rd Bioeconomy Forum and culminated with the CommNet’s Final Conference and Impact Awards Ceremony. 
At CommNet’s matchmaking event “Business & Policy Dialogues” researchers had the opportunity to meet business and policy representatives. CommNet’s 3rd Bioeconomy Forum hosted an interesting debate on trends in bioeconomy and science communication, with stimulating insights from senior scientists and CommNet members and an overview of the communication requirements for EU-funded projects in HORIZON 2020
CommNet’s Final Conference has been the opportunity for an exciting debate on research results communication. Prof. Ronan Gormely, from Institute of Food & Health at University College Dublin gave a fascinating keynote speech onResearch must reach out to deliver its promise” on the importance of delivering more efficiently research results outside the scientific community. During the second session of the conference, the CommNet team presented CommNet’s achievements during the past three years. This has been also the opportunity for sharing CommNet’s experience in supporting bioeconomy communication targeted to citizens, young people, business and policy makers. 
Case studies selected for the CommNet Impact Awards had the opportunity to present their approach to dissemination. During the CommNet Impact Awards  ceremony, CommNet has rewarded KBBE project which have demonstrated excellence in communicating to European citizens, policy-makers, industry or young people.
All the presentations given at the CommNet Final Conference are now available on this page.
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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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