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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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What is CommNet?

CommNet is a support network of for EU-funded projects in the Bioeconomy domain. 


  • What is our mission?
    CommNet has been created to facilitate the communication of EU Bioeconomy research to the general public and to key target groups including: media, young people, industry and policy makers.
  • How will we achieve our goal?
    CommNet operates through various levels, ranging from media training to audio-visual production, from the creation of educational material for schools to supporting communication of research to the business world.
    Have a look at our results so far
  • Who are we?
    The CommNet network is managed by the CommFABnet project, funded by the European Commission, Framework Programme 7, KBBE Programme and co-ordinated by EEIG. The CommNet consortium consists of a number of reputed organizations operating at European level, with extensive experience in media, training, education and business communication.
    Browse the list of providers of the CommNet services
  • How did it all start?
    CommNet has started as a network of communication for EC-funded food-related research. Over the past year, our network has grown and now includes projects in the areas of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and biotechnologies.
    Know more about the history of CommNet


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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