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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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ttz Bremerhaven
ttz Bremerhaven

ttz Bremerhaven is a provider of research services and operates in the field of application-oriented research and development. Under the umbrella of ttz Bremerhaven, an international team of experts is working in the areas of food, environment and health

(14 May 2012)

The Brussels based communication and innovation agency PRACSIS specialises in developing innovative communications strategies for projects in research, innovation and renewable energy technology at European, national, regional, and local levels as well carrying out the implementation of the resulting communications plans across Europe 

(14 May 2012)
The British Nutrition Foundation
The British Nutrition Foundation

The British Nutrition Foundation is a registered charity and SME and exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle. The Foundation’s work is conducted and communicated through a unique blend of nutrition science, education and media activities

(14 May 2012)
Minerva Ltd.
Minerva Ltd.

Minerva is a UK based micro-SME expert in developing strategic communication and dissemination plans and in delivering dissemination and media communication activity. Minerva has experience of delivery of communications and media relations with a number of EC funded projects in Food Quality and Safety as well as with many charities, government agencies, European organisations and commercial companies

(14 May 2012) GEIE GEIE GEIE is an independent non-profit media agency promoting the leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web. designs and implements media communication strategies for large research organisations and EU-funded projects and is able to establish permanent links between the research communities and the media

(14 May 2012)
Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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