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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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Video - Revolutionary System Monitors Water PollutionVideo - Revolutionary System Monitors Water Pollution
Video - Revolutionary System Monitors Water Pollution

Scientists are developing a real-time monitoring system for offshore aquaculture, so fish and shellfish farmers can be warned in time and prevent epidemic.

Video - Reducing pesticides and boosting harvestsVideo - Reducing pesticides and boosting harvests
Video - Reducing pesticides and boosting harvests

Scientists in Italy are experimenting with sound vibrations to replace pesticides. Adapting different eco-friendly methods they are able to boost harvests and open up a new chapter in sustainable farming.  

Video - Microbes clean up the oceansVideo - Microbes clean up the oceans
Video - Microbes clean up the oceans

Oil spills and plastic waste are polluting our oceans – destroying marine life and contaminating beaches. Now scientists are exploring how they can get microbes to degrade these substances more effectively and thus reduce the pollution in the sea.

Video - Big Brother Enters Pig FarmsVideo - Big Brother Enters Pig Farms
Video - Big Brother Enters Pig Farms

Farmers and engineers have turned a Spanish pig farm into a big brother camp, where the animals are monitored in every aspect of their life. The aim is to optimize farming methods for the benefit of both the pigs and the farmer. 

Video - Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm AnimalsVideo - Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm Animals
Video - Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm Animals

It may not become your favorite dish, but in some parts of the world insects are considered a healthy and tasty source of food. In China animal farmers are using insects also as a low-cost and highly nutritious animal feed. Now nutrition experts are investigating how this protein-rich feed could be introduced to farmers in Europe. 

Video - When your water is contaminatedVideo - When your water is contaminated
Video - When your water is contaminated

Every year 300.000 Europeans are falling ill because of contaminated drinking water. A new high-speed test is being developed to identify the contamination of drinking water much faster than today and thus reduce the number of victims considerably.

Video - Microbes: The New Bioplastic FactoriesVideo - Microbes: The New Bioplastic Factories
Video - Microbes: The New Bioplastic Factories

European scientists are experimenting with bacteria and algae and turn them into bioplastic factories. Their vision: these microorganisms should produce a large portion of our plastic materials without any petroleum.

Video - Fighting the childhood obesity crisisVideo - Fighting the childhood obesity crisis
Video - Fighting the childhood obesity crisis

Scientists are studying the genetic, social and dietary factors influencing child obesity.

Video - Too tasty for your own goodVideo - Too tasty for your own good
Video - Too tasty for your own good

Scientists are attempting to tackle obesity by exploring ways of helping people stay healthy. One research project aims at producing junk-free, albeit tasty, food, whereas another looks at better understanding food consumption stimuli.

Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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