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Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy

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CommNet Industry: our PR Desk communicates bioeconomy research to business and gives access to industry fora

The CommNet Innovation Catalogue 2014 with case studies from selected bioeconomy projects is now available!

CommNet Education: communicating food, fisheries, agriculture and biotechnology research to young people

Download the FAB Toolkit materials “Know your food”, available in FR, DE, IT and SP.

CommNet Media: bringing bioeconomy research to large audiences

View here our latest articles on agriculture, food, sea resources and biotech.

CommNet Training: improve your strategic and practical communication skills

Free registrations to the next training on Effective & Entrepreneurial Communications for Research Projects in Bioeconomy are open! The training will be held in Tallinn, 29-31/10/'14

Increasing impact from publicly funded research
Increasing impact from publicly funded research

28 June 2017 | Brussels, Belgium - Lessons from the bioeconomy. Dinner Debate hosted by Lieve Wierinck MEP.

BioLinX Brokerage Event
BioLinX Brokerage Event

16 June 2016 | Breda, Netherlands - The first brokerage event of BioLinX

IFIB 2016
IFIB 2016

22 - 23 Septemper 2016 | Vicenza, Italy - Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy

04. News
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?

Right now, the European Union doesn’t have enough animal feed of its own to nourish livestock, forcing it to bring in supplies from beyond the bloc’s borders. To face this unsustainable dependency, researchers are looking for alternative protein sources

Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?

Lentils and broccoli, algae and insects: science is investigating traditional and new diets in a bid to reduce the risks of us getting ill

Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines

Global warming is affecting the taste and production of wine growing regions across the world. Finding genes better suited to stress and pests can boost resilience


Commnet - Communicating the Bioeconomy
Logo Eu 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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