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Science Outreach Events - Fourth webinar

Science Outreach Events - Fourth webinar

Tuesday 11 June 2013, 11:30UK/12:30CET - Outreach Meetings & Events for Research Communications

Outreach Meetings & Events for Research Communications – reaching out to external audiences, adults & children, is a duty to fulfil grant obligations – but outreach can be rewarding and fun!

Researchers and disseminators can show their creative side and design and deliver effective events that create real learning. From online events like ‘I’m a Scientist get me out of here’ to  ‘Mobile Lab Trucks’ there are numerous ways to deliver scientific outreach.

The CommNet webinar will share case studies and encourage your participation. Join us and let your creative side shine!


The webinar has ended: thanks to all the participants to the live session! For all of you who could not attend the webinar, you can find the recording at this link.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
under grant agreement No 289699

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